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Friday, 17 August 2012

SNPs-The Social Networking Programms

The world is getting closer and closer day by day information sharing has never been so easy and comfortable and convenient in the history of mankind. It takes few seconds to share your ideas and informations all across the world. Facebook-the Pioneer in this trade has set remarkable trends in the field of communicating on internet. these days all types (Text, Audio,Visual) of communication are possible by these programmes. Millions and millions of people are using these programmes necessarily once a day to keep in touch with the latest informations, news and happenings in any corner of the world. An astonishing and powerful use of such  programmes have been seen in Egypt where people were under dominating survey-lance not even free to exchange views in open atmosphere, used these programmes and finally got rid of the cruel Husni-Mubarak-Government.Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tagged, Tumbler and many more are serving humanity by giving them the opportunity to communicate and exchange the ideas and making world more and more Global-Village.


  1. Yeah! it is true world is being closer by SNPs,

    there are a number of SNPs but the Sitetalk – is the first social network community over the world, which rewards her users!

    This is unique at the social media world!
    The first global, multi-lingual, multi-functional social community that combines all the functions on one platform in contrast to what others offer either singly or outside the social network platform
