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Sunday, 9 September 2012

Day-10 London Paralympics 2012 Updates

The encounter for medals is getting towards its end steadily as it has entered in its 11th day after completing its 10 days. The top five contestants are China(95-Gold), Russia(35-Gold), GBR(33-Gold), Ukraine(32-Gold), Australia(31-Gold) and Brazil respectively by medals. As evident from the stats China is no doubt at the top in the table whereas for 2nd and 3rd are still on the ground to win. Some gold medalists of day-10 in athletics are:  in Men’s 400m Oscar Pistorius  of South Africa, in Women’s Shot-Put Angeles Ortiz Heernandez of Mexico, in Men’s Javelin Throw Luis Alberto Zepeda Felix of Mexico, in Men’s Triple Jump Oleg Panyutin of Azerbaijan, in Women’s 100m Elena Ivanova of Russia, in Men’s 200m Evan O’Hanlon of Australia and in Men’s 800m Adbellatif Baka of Algeria and many more in many games have enlightened the name of their country. The battle is still on for medals and the thrill is on for the spectators and for the players. For more updates keep visiting  Talat's Blog /

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