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Wednesday 22 June 2016

Laughter the best Medicine

7 Health Benefits of Laughter

One of the best feelings in the world is the deep-rooted belly laugh. It can bring people together and establish amazing connections. Everything from a slight giggle to a side-splitting guffaw can change the temperature of a room from chilly unfamiliarity to a warm family-like atmosphere.

There is so much to love about laughter that it seems greedy to look for more, but that’s exactly what researchers Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan at the Loma Linda University in California have done. These two doctors have researched the benefits of laughter and found amazing results. Get ready to get your giggle on!

1. Laughing lowers blood pressure

People who lower their blood pressure, even those who start at normal levels, will reduce their risk of strokes and heart attacks. So grab the Sunday paper, flip to the funny pages and enjoy your laughter medicine.

2. Reduces stress hormone levels

You benefit from reducing the level of stress hormones your body produces because hormone-level reduction simultaneously cuts the anxiety and stress impacting your body. Additionally, the reduction of stress hormones in your body may result in higher immune system performance. Just think: Laughing along as a co-worker tells a funny joke can relieve some of the day's stress and help you reap the health benefits of laughter.

3. Fun ab workout

One of the benefits of laughter is that it can help you tone your abs. When you are laughing, the muscles in your stomach expand and contract, similar to when you intentionally exercise your abs. Meanwhile, the muscles you are not using to laugh are getting an opportunity to relax. Add laughter to your ab routine and make getting a toned tummy more enjoyable.

4. Improves cardiac health

Laughter is a great cardio workout, especially for those who are incapable of doing other physical activity due to injury or illness. It gets your heart pumping and burns a similar amount of calories per hour as walking at a slow to moderate pace. So, laugh your heart into health.

5. Boosts T cells

T cells are specialized immune system cells just waiting in your body for activation. When you laugh, you activate T cells that immediately begin to help you fight off sickness. Next time you feel a cold coming on, add chuckling to your illness prevention plan.

6. Triggers the release of endorphins

Endorphins are the body’s natural pain killers. By laughing, you can release endorphins, which can help ease chronic pain and make you feel good all over.

7. Produces a general sense of well-being

Laughter can increase your overall sense of well-being. Doctors have found that people who have a positive outlook on life tend to fight diseases better than people who tend to be more negative. So smile, laugh and live 

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Reasons why Walking is Great for Health

1. Walking strengthens your heart

Reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by walking regularly. It’s great cardio exercise, lowering levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. The Stroke Association says that a brisk 30-minute walk every day helps to prevent and control the high blood pressure that causes strokes, reducing the risk by up to 27 percent.

2. Walking lowers disease risk

A regular walking habit slashes the risk of type 2 diabetes by around 60 percent, and you’re 20 percent less likely to develop cancer of the colon, breast or womb with an active hobby such as walking.

3. Walking helps you lose weight

You’ll burn around 75 calories simply by walking at 2mph for 30 minutes. Up your speed to 3mph and it’s 99 calories, while 4mph is 150 calories (equivalent to three Jaffa cakes and a jam doughnut!). Work that short walk into your daily routine and you’ll shed the pounds in no time.

4. Walking prevents dementia

Older people who walk six miles or more per week are more likely to avoid brain shrinkage and preserve memory as the years pass. Since dementia affects one in 14 people over 65 and one in six over 80, we reckon that’s a pretty great idea.

5. Walking tones up legs, bums and tums

Give definition to calves, quads and hamstrings while lifting your glutes (bum muscles) with a good, regular walk. Add hill walking into the mix and it’s even more effective. Pay attention to your posture and you’ll also tone your abs and waist.

6. Walking boosts vitamin D

We all need to get outside more. Many people in the UK are vitamin D deficient, affecting important things like bone health and our immune systems. Walking is the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors while getting your vitamin D fix.

7. Walking gives you energy

You’ll get more done with more energy, and a brisk walk is one of the best natural energisers around. It boosts circulation and increases oxygen supply to every cell in your body, helping you to feel more alert and alive. Try walking on your lunch break to achieve more in the afternoon.

8. Walking makes you happy

It’s true – exercise boosts your mood. Studies show that a brisk walk is just as effective as antidepressants in mild to moderate cases of depression, releasing feel-good endorphins while reducing stress and anxiety. So for positive mental health, walking’s an absolute must.


Just as herbs hold their medicinal qualities, flowers have been found to have positive effects on our emotions.
Naturopaths can formulate you a flower essence remedy to assist with anything from fear, overwhelm, grief or neurosis.
It's no suprise that the scent of a flower and the beauty they withhold don't hold that secret power. 

Monday 20 June 2016

Five powerful reasons why we eat slower

One of the problems in our daily lives is that many of us rush through the day, with no time for anything … and when we have time to get a bite to eat, we gobble it down.

That leads to stressful, unhealthy living.

And with the simple but powerful act of eating slower, we can begin to reverse that lifestyle immediately. How hard is it? You take smaller bites, you chew each bite slower and longer, and you enjoy your meal longer.

It takes a few minutes extra each meal, and yet it can have profound effects.

You may have already heard of the Slow Food Movement, started in Italy almost two decades ago to counter the fast food movement. Everything that fast food is, Slow Food isn’t.

If you read the Slow Food Manifesto, you’ll see that it’s not just about health — it’s about a lifestyle. And whether you want to adopt that lifestyle or not, there are some reasons you should consider the simple act of eating slower:

Lose weight. A growing number of studies confirm that just by eating slower, you’ll consume fewer calories — in fact, enough to lose 20 pounds a year without doing anything different or eating anything different. The reason is that it takes about 20 minutes for our brains to register that we’re full. If we eat fast, we can continue eating past the point where we’re full. If we eat slowly, we have time to realize we’re full, and stop on time. Now, I would still recommend that you eat healthier foods, but if you’re looking to lose weight, eating slowly should be a part of your new lifestyle.

Enjoy your food. This reason is just as powerful, in my opinion. It’s hard to enjoy your food if it goes by too quickly. In fact, I think it’s fine to eat sinful foods, if you eat a small amount slowly. Think about it: you want to eat sinful foods (desserts, fried foods, pizza, etc.) because they taste good. But if you eat them fast, what’s the point? If you eat them slowly, you can get the same amount of great taste, but with less going into your stomach. That’s math that works for me. And that argument aside, I think you are just happier by tasting great food and enjoying it fully, by eating slowly. Make your meals a gastronomic pleasure, not a thing you do rushed, between stressful events.

Better digestion. If you eat slower, you’ll chew your food better, which leads to better digestion. Digestion actually starts in the mouth, so the more work you do up there, the less you’ll have to do in your stomach. This can help lead to fewer digestive problems.

Less stress. Eating slowly, and paying attention to our eating, can be a great form of mindfulness exercise. Be in the moment, rather than rushing through a meal thinking about what you need to do next. When you eat, you should eat. This kind of mindfulness, I believe, will lead to a less stressful life, and long-term happiness. Give it a try.

Rebel against fast food and fast life. Our hectic, fast-paced, stressful, chaotic lives — the Fast Life — leads to eating Fast Food, and eating it quickly. This is a lifestyle that is dehumanizing us, making us unhealthy, stressed out, and unhappy. We rush through our day, doing one mindless task after another, without taking the time to live life, to enjoy life, to relate to each other, to be human. That’s not a good thing in my book. Instead, rebel against that entire lifestyle and philosophy … with the small act of eating slower. Don’t eat Fast Food. Eat at a good restaurant, or better yet, cook your own food and enjoy it fully. Taste life itself.

Saturday 18 June 2016

Health Benefits of Marigold Flowers
Not all marigolds are created equal. The National Institutes of Health explains that the marigold you find in most home gardens is of the tagetes variety, which are purely ornamental. The marigold variety that delivers health benefits is calendula. The flowers of the calendula marigold have been used for centuries for their health benefits.
High Antioxidant Content
Marigolds contain numerous antioxidant carotenoids that give the petals their bright orange and yellow colors. An antioxidant is a compound that helps protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals, or hazardous molecules. Free radicals are the by-products of normal body functions or environmental factors such as cigarette smoke or pollution. Free radicals can damage cells to the point that they damage DNA, and can lead to disease and various forms of cancer. High intake of antioxidants helps combat free radical damage. The primary carotenoids in marigolds are lutein and zeaxanthin, often paired together, and lycopene. The Linus Pauling Institute reports that lutein and zeaxanthin are the only antioxidants that are found in the retina of the eye, where they protect the eye from the development of cataracts and macular degeneration. Lycopene is reported to reduce the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease.
Cancer Protection
The antioxidants in marigolds help fight and prevent cancer, according to a study in the October 1998 issue of The Journal of Nutrition. In this study, researchers from Washington State University examined the effects of lutein, an antioxidant extracted from marigolds, on breast cancer tumors. The results of their study show that lutein not only reduced the number of tumors in the breast, it also prevented new cancer cells from developing. Researchers found that even in small dietary amounts, the lutein from marigolds had a positive effect. Marigold has also been found effective against leukemia, colon and melanoma cancer cells.
Wound Healing
One of marigold's folk uses has been in the area of wound healing. Rubbed on burns, scrapes and irritated skin, marigolds provide relief. When tested on rats, researchers in Brazil found that one of the mechanisms for wound healing comes from marigolds having the ability to promote the growth of new skin tissue, as well as new blood vessels that feed the skin. In the February 2011 issue of the Brazilian medical journal Acta Cirurgica Brasileira researchers also state that marigold acts as an anti-inflammatory due to the presence of other compounds, including triterpenes and steroids.

How To Use
Calendula marigold petals can be dried and used as a spice in place of saffron, steeped in hot water for a tea or used fresh on salads. Keep in mind that marigolds are an herbal product, and as with any herb there is a risk of adverse reactions or side effects. If you are currently being treated for a medical condition or are on any medications, speak to your doctor before consuming any herbal products, even marigolds.

Friday 17 June 2016

Experience of Herbs, Halo for Health.

Herbs, those fragrant culinary delicacies, offer so much more than just flavoring and garnishing our food.  Whether you buy them at the grocery store, a farmer’s market or grow your own, these tender plants harbor a wealth of health benefits just waiting for you to discover.
Since ancient times, herbs have been used for medicinal purposes concentrated in teas and tinctures.  More recently, herbs health properties have been realized due to the various nutrients and polyphenols they provide.  Think of herbs as an extension of fruits and vegetables – we all know the magnitude of nutrients they provide.  Whenever we use herbs to spruce up the looks of a meal or flavor food helping us use less salt and fat, we gain big time in nutritional value.
Herbs can be used fresh or dried.  Fresh herbs are perishable – wash with cold water, wrap in a paper towel then place upright covered with a plastic bag in a jar of water placed in the refrigerator to help extend their life. Dried herbs are easier to keep and their nutritional strength is sometimes more concentrated than fresh herbs, but they should be used within a year as their flavor potency will wane.  
Following is a list of herbs and what nutritional advantages they offer.  If you’re new to using herbs, use the suggestions on what types of food they pair best with.  However, don’t be afraid to experiment and test your culinary skills. As with any food item, some herbs may interact with certain medications or cause allergic reactions.  Use them in moderation and watch for any unusual symptoms. 
Parsley –
·         Rich in vitamins C, B12, K and A.  Keeps immune system strong, improves bone health, helps flush out fluid from the body supporting kidney function and can help control blood pressure.
·         Add to scrambled eggs, quiche, smoothie, homemade salad dressing or use as a garnish for just about any food.
·         Due to its high content of vitamin K, anyone using a blood thinner such as Coumadin (warfarin) should use it sparingly.
Cilantro –
·         The leaves of the plant are referred to as cilantro and the seeds are referred to as coriander. 
·         High in the antioxidants beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, all good for preventing macular degeneration and better brain functioning.  Also helps clear heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body by attaching itself to the metals, carrying them out of the body.
·         Pairs particularly well with Mexican dishes and can also be added to vegetable dips or used as a garnish for soups and salads.
Rosemary –
·         Good source of anitoxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that may boost the immune system, improve blood circulation, digestion, and eye health, enhances memory and concentration, and may reduce the formation of cancer-causing substances.
·         This herb pairs well with chicken or lamb and often used in Mediterranean cooking.  Can be used to flavor soups, baked vegetables, salads and meat dishes.
·         Pregnant women should use it in moderation as it may cause miscarriages if consumed in large amounts.
Basil –
·         Rich in vitamins A, C and K, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium
·         May help treat arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, reduces inflammation, can help prevent harmful effects of aging and is rich in antioxidants.
·         Can be used in pesto sauces, salads, pizza, soups, and fish and seafood.  When cooking with basil, put in at the end of the cooking process as heat can reduce its flavor.
Mint –
·         Contains menthol, a natural decongestant helping to break up phlegm and mucus during a cold and can relieve a sore throat when combined with tea. It can also soothe an upset stomach and indigestion.  Contains the antioxidant rosmarinic acid which may help relieve seasonal allergies.
·         Mint pairs great with fresh fruit, Middle Eastern dishes like lamb, soups and salads, or combine mint with water and cucumber slices.
·         If you have GERD, do not use mint to relieve symptoms as it may make them worse.
Oregano –
·         Rich in vitamin K and antioxidants, it also contains iron, fiber, vitamin E, iron, calcium and omega fatty acids.
·         It has been used to treat urinary tract disorders, menstrual cramps, respiratory tract disorders and gastrointestinal disorders.
·         Often used in Italian cuisine, it can also be used in many other dishes for a bold flavor such as pizza, sautéed vegetables, chicken, beef or lamb, toasted or flatbread or added to a vinaigrette.
Thyme –
·         Contains thymol, an essential oil which has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. The leaves are packed with potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, vitamins C, A, K and E and B-complex vitamins.
·         Thyme tea may help relieve coughs, sore throat and bronchitis symptoms.
·         Its distinctive, intense flavor should be used sparingly in recipes.  Can be used to flavor soups, sauces, marinate chicken, fish and meat. 

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Amazing Benefits of Rosemary Tea

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Rosemary Tea

Do you suffer from any digestive problems? Or do you feel your hair is getting unhealthy and are wondering what to do about it? There is one ingredient that can cure these ailments in addition to many others. It is rosemary tea we are talking about!

Would you like to know more about it and the many benefits it offers? Read on!

Rosemary Tea – A Brief:

Rosemary is a herb that is native to the Mediterranean area (1). Its aromatic fragrance and delicate taste make it a favourite all over the world. The wonderful thing about this herb is that it is packed with loads of beneficial vitamins and minerals. This is exactly why many people use it in their daily diets.

[ Read: Benefits Of Rosemary Oil ]

Rosemary has been used for hundreds of years as an herbal remedy for a vast array of health problems. It has antioxidant, anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a powerful medicinal herb. Drinking rosemary herbal tea can give you loads of health benefits. Here are the amazing rosemary tea benefits for you to check out:

1. Helps The Digestive System:


Rosemary is well-known for its ability to keep the digestive system functioning properly. If you feel bloated or uncomfortable after a large meal, a cup of this soothing herbal tea will work its magic on the muscles in the gastrointestinal system and aid in digestion. It can be used as a remedy for dyspepsia, constipation and other digestive problems.

2. Boosts The Immune System:

Drinking rosemary tea works wonders in boosting immunity. This is due to the anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties it has. It can enhance your overall health as it has many healing powers.

3. Soothes Skin Irritations:

Apart from drinking rosemary tea, you can also use it in your bubble bath to gain relief from different skin irritations. It has been found to be effective in treatingskin disorders such as psoriasis, and as well as otherproblems like poor blood circulation. This amazing herbal tea can also be used to treat acne.

4. Makes Hair Healthy:

Rosemary tea can be used as a rinse for your hair after shampooing. It is known to make the scalp healthy and promote healthy hair growth. If you suffer from dandruff, you can mix borax with the tea to get rid of flakes from your scalp.

5. Prevents Symptoms Of Cold And Flu:

Drinking a cup of rosemary tea regularly can help in preventing cold and flu symptoms. You can keep migraines and headaches away. Starting your day with a cup of rosemary tea will help in calming your body and mind with its regenerative qualities. It will help you stay alert and fresh all day.

6. Enhances Concentration And Memory:

Research has shown that a daily cup of rosemary tea can enhance your memory and the ability to concentrate. Experts recommend a cup every morning to help you increase your level of concentration throughout the day.

7. Provides Nutritional Support:

Rosemary tea gives you extra nutritional support that your body requires. This amazing herb is rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients that you need to be physically fit and healthy. It is also filled with antioxidants and phytochemicals, which give you a sound body and mind. Drinking this herbal tea regularly will benefit your body from the inside

8. Lowers Breast Cancer Risk:

Research has shown that rosemary tea can help women who are vulnerable to breast cancer. Estrogen imbalance is one of the causes of breast cancer. Rosemary tea can control this imbalance and prevent it from getting worse, thereby lowering the risk of breast cancer. Experts recommend drinking this herbal tea daily to protect yourself against this type of cancer.

9. Fights Infection:

Rosemary has antiseptic properties that help fight off bacterial infections. Rosemary tea can be used as a gargling solution to maintain oral health and keep infection away. You can also use it to clean minor cuts and wounds so that they do not get infected. Many people steep rosemary in their bath water to keep germs and bacteria away, and also to soothe muscles and joints that are sore or painful.

10. Fights Signs Of Aging:

Rosemary can stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, making it a wonderful anti-aging agent. It makes the skin firmer and also increases blood circulation that will give you glowing and youthful skin. Drinking rosemary tea on a daily basis can give you beautiful, radiant skin as it works its magic from the inside, giving you fantastic results on the outside.

Rosemary tea has many other health benefits apart from the ones that have been mentioned above. This wondrous herb has loads to offer you, so adding it to your diet can improve your overall health. It is no surprise that it has been used in different parts of the world for centuries as a medicinal herb. It has been used to treat everything from minor ailments like fever to major issues like kidney problems. Its many magical properties make it one of the best herbs to consume as a tea or add as a seasoning to various recipes. Drinking a single cup of rosemary tea every day will have a positive effect on both your body and mind.

It is important to remember that although consuming rosemary has no serious side-effects, you should take certain precautions. Pregnant women and people who suffer from epilepsy and hypertension should not take rosemary in any form. You should also remember not to over-consume rosemary tea as it can cause pulmonary edema, nausea and in very rare and serious conditions, coma.

Herbs are considered to be safe as they are natural, but they can have adverse effects on the body when consumed with certain medications. This is why experts recommend consulting your doctor before you start drinking herbal teas like rosemary tea. If you suffer from a condition, talk to your healthcare provider and confirm if it is safe for you to drink rosemary tea. Once you are given the go-ahead, you can enjoy the many amazing health benefits that this delicious herbal tea provide.

Friday 10 June 2016

Benefits of Papaya Seeds

Most often when people eat papaya, they throw away its seeds without knowing its benefits. They can prevent and cure a lot of ailments connected to the gut, liver, worms and Dengue

We present you the benefits of papaya seeds:

1. Health of the liver

The nutrients contained in the seeds can help you with the cirrhosis of the liver. Grind 5-6 papaya seeds with juice or food. Do this procedure for 30 days.

It will keep you away from diseases and will help with the liver detoxification.

2.Health of the kidney

The seeds will help you to prevent renal failure, and improve the kidney health.

3. Anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties

Papaya seeds can fight viral infections and cure a lot of diseases including Typhoid and Dengue and also they can kill harmful bacteria like E. coli, Staph, and Salmonella.

4. Natural contraceptive

The seeds are used as natural contraceptives for both women and men because they do not have any side-effects.

How to make papaya juice:

Take 2 papaya leaves and first, wash them, then cut them into small pieces. By using a filter cloth, pound and squeeze the pulp through it.

Squeeze out 2 tablespoons of juice, and drink it daily.

5. Aids digestion

Papaya seeds have enzyme papain which is beneficial for women who are trying to get pregnant, and also for protein digestion.

In order to reduce the production of sperm without affecting the libido, men have to eat 1 teaspoon papaya seeds every day, for 3 months. But, you should know that this effect of the papaya seeds is temporal, the fertility comes back to normal when the seeds are discontinued.

6. Destroys parasites

Papaya seeds have an alkaloid, known as “Carpaine” which helps in killing the ameba parasites and intestinal worms. Also, it can metabolize the proteins.

7. Anti-inflammatory properties

Papaya seeds have anti-inflammatory properties which make them great for alleviating arthritis, redness, joint disease, and pain.

8. Fights cancer

The agents in the papaya seeds can stop the growth of cancer cells and tumors. Papaya seeds also have isothiocyanate which is good for leukemia, colon, breast, prostate, and lung cancer.

How to eat papaya seeds:

You can eat them crushed, ground, or raw in milk, honey, or salad dressings.

See also- Incredible fruit that slow down aging and helps in the fight of many diseases including cancer

Side effects and warnings for using papaya seeds:

Pregnant women should not use them because it would extend to breastfeeding. Even though they can be very powerful for gastrointestinal tracts of the young children, always consult your doctor before giving them to infants.