My Love ❤️💖

Tuesday 9 June 2015

This is what happens when you place an ice cube at this point of your head.This point in the Chinese Acupuncture called "Feng Fu"

It helps:
Improves sleep;
Exellent mood and general vitality
Exellent work of digestive tract
Say goodbye to colds
Heals headaches,tooth aches,
pains in the joints
-Particularly,the effect of ice cubes
to the point of Feng fu helps the ff.ailments:
Respiratory ailments
mental health
Acute,gastro intestinal and sexually transmitted
Disorders of thyroid glands
Bronchial asthma
Disturbances in the gastro intestinal tract,
obesity and malnutrition.
Disorders of menstrual cycle and endocrine
psycho-emotional disorders,stress,
chronic fatique,depression insomia
**How to do it
First u lie on your stomach and place an ice cube
at the point of fengfu,and hold it for 20 mins.
You can either lie there or try with a bandage,
scarf or plastic wrap.Do this regularly
in the morning on an empty stomach
and night before going to bed.

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